The Futile State of Contentious Living

Posted by Charlie Brown

We live in a world of opposition.  Such is the nature of living with the knowledge of good and evil. Without it there is no freedom, there is no choice.  This is what gives us the chance to determine who we will be, what we will pursue and eventually become.  Through forces more powerful than our own whims we will one day be held accountable for this freedom. What eternal destiny awaits us? 

I sometimes think of extreme examples as I sit and ponder about the ridiculousness of the contentions that exist in the world. Somehow we need to become aware of the position in space that we occupy and our insignificance as occupants of planet earth. What situation can demonstrate the silliness of not trying to get along as human beings? 

Next time you go to the beach, try to imagine a ping pong ball in the ocean floating away from you with the current. Now suppose that it is inhabited by a colony of germs that started out as just two germs.  The ball is now covered by billions of germs and yet they hardly cover its surface. Somehow it is protected from the harshness of its lonely existence.

It is hard to imagine this as the ocean would seem to sweep everything off of the ball.  How fast are we as occupants of planet earth traveling through space?  The only thing that keeps us from getting sucked off is an atmospheric force field that keeps the vacuum of space from engulfing us as the invisible power of gravity pulls us along our course of life-giving power.

The rotation of the earth is about 1000 miles an hour at the equator. Our orbiting speed around the sun is 67,000 miles an hour. We are surrounded by a freezing vacuum. Isn’t this more hostile than the ocean? Yet here we are oblivious to our hopeless state and some thinking it is without divine cause or future salvation.

The earth is infinitesimally smaller in the cosmos than a ping pong ball is to the ocean. If a ping pong ball is too small for your imagination, try a basketball.

Imagine that the germs manage to civilize themselves and create an economy and nations of varying strains of germs. They cultivate a system of governments and some even become wealthy as they populate their habitat and find ways to serve the needs and wants of each other.

In considering this can we answer the question as to how rich is the richest germ on the ball?  How famous is the most famous germ? How powerful is the most powerful politician? How tall is the tallest, how strong is the strongest, how beautiful is the most beautiful of all the germs?

The thing about these germs is that they don’t live very long. They only live 100 seconds even though it seems like forever to them. They feel invincible, even immortal when they are young. Things progress very quickly. Then they die and are absorbed into the plastic they inhabit.

Where do humans go when they die? Do the energy of our brain function dissipate and the cosmic presence of our character simply evaporates?  Or is there another set of principles that takes over when we die?

Is there room in space where everyone could have their own planet or star or their own solar system as they exit this planet? How many galaxies with billions of stars have astronomers with their most powerful telescopes calculated to exist? Significantly more than the cumulative number of humans in 6000 years of existence.  The astronomical views are still extremely limited even with the most powerful of telescopes.

The wonders of the eternities are surely guarded by an entrance code, one that eliminates contention and hate, which are the essence of evil.  How this is done has been revealed.  It is on the earth and available to those that would seek it.  Those that are stuck in their ways may never find it because they refuse to look.

Here is a link to another person's blog with some good thoughts.


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