Trump, Racism and Some Fallacies of his Opponents

Trump, Racism and Some Fallacies of his Opponents 

I came across a Facebook post by a history professor at the University of Utah shared on a page. Some thoughts crossed my mind as I read it. I am happy to hear where I might be wrong. My observations are in blue.

His essay/commentary is an interweaving of historical events that attempt to set a false premise that Trump is a racist.  
It is a combination of fallacies, speculation, and conjecture. While history is replete with much to learn. Applying its lessons with a bias towards an opinion does not make the argument valid. There is no evidence of history in this opinion that will repeat itself. He is trying to fabric evidence that does not exist. For the most part, his essay is crafted as an ad-hominem attack of Trump.

"Racism 101 for those who pretend that President Trump is not spewing racism from the White House: Recall that race as nationality was used in the 19th century to discriminate against Irish and Italian immigrants from Europe. Race as hierarchy even targeted white Latter-day Saints. This political cartoon from Wasp, 8 February 1879, has Uncle Sam kicking out his most troublesome bedfellows. The Mormon is already gone and the Chinese are getting the boot. "

 (This is a fallacy comparing unlike objects established on a false premise. He quotes a historical fact and uses it as a premise. It has nothing to do with 4 congresswomen or any of Trump's policies. He is not targeting any group of people except the 4 women that have banded together.  Why don't they have a white member in their group?  It is an unsupported opinion that some individuals are pretending that Trump is not spewing racism.  The racism is in the eye of the author. The professor is simply construing past events and purporting that they support his premise. They do not.)

"Race operated as a hierarchical system designed to create order and superiority out of the perceived disorder of the confluence of peoples in America. Race could variously be marked by language, national origin, religion, marital relationships, and a variety of cultural characteristics."  

Racism exists and has existed throughout the world.  America demonstrates a diverse acceptance of all people. Trump has no motive to incite racism and would not benefit from such action. His opponents, on the other hand, seek to benefit from a narrative of Trump being a racist. Trump is stating facts about patriotism and exposing those who would lead us away from it if left to their devices.  

"In insisting that people leave, Trump is resurrecting a racial past which targeted Chinese immigrants for exclusion alongside white native-born and immigrant Latter-day Saints. In doing so he takes the Latter-day Saint vote for granted."  

 Trump isn’t insisting that anyone leaves unless they want to. It is about patriotism and foundational principles, not racial divisions. Chinese immigrants have no bearing on current political situations. Trump is not in the slightest insinuating that large numbers of any legal citizens should leave the country. 

"Trump has resurrected race as national origin and simultaneously reasserted white superiority. In short, he has engaged in racism. Efforts to dismiss his racism as national origins ignore America’s racial past and reify our racial present."

 This is conjecture and speculation, a false premise and assumption. No one is ignoring America’s or the world’s issues with race divisions. The color of the congresswomen has nothing to do with the argument. They do have a national origin but it’s not the reason for their political positions. Trump has not reasserted anything like white supremacy. That is pure conjecture with emphasis and is an unprovable allegation.

"In 1882, headlines from across the nation declared: “Chinese and Mormons. Two Classes of People who must be Made to Go.” Other headlines read: “We can stand the Chinese, but no Mormon polygamists” and “If there is any sound reason for the exclusion of the Chinese from this country, there is for the exclusion of the Mormons.” One political cartoon declared: “The Chinese may stay, but the Mormons must go.” "

 Past Political cartoons are hardly a basis for current political accusations like Mr. Reeve is insinuating.) Trump's policies have demonstrated the protection of religious freedoms and individual rights.

"If it can happen to native-born and western and northern European immigrant white Latter-day Saints, it can happen to anyone. The president of the United States should not tolerate it let alone instigate it. #twitterstorians  "

This is another fallacy. To say that if something can happen to one or a group “it can happen to anyone” is not a necessarily a true statement. It is speculation that can be applied anytime a rational argument can’t be used to support a claim. In this case the claim of racism. Alleging that Trump is instigating racism any more than Obama did is all opinion.) Racism is a problem where ever it exists and to try and say that Trump instigated it is simply false.  It has always existed in some form or fashion.  The essence of this article of professor Reeve is an attack on Donald Trump's personality not the issue of racism.


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