Donald Trump vs Planned Parenthood and Joe Biden
The platforms of the candidates for president of the United State represent very distinct ideology. Joe Biden represents a culture that supports abortion on demand as a central component and societal right. The platform is one of growing government control of our lives. It isn't the party of JFK as some say. Donald Trump represents a culture of respecting the life giving process and the liberty and pursuit of happiness that is at the foundation of our freedoms. It isn't the same Republican party of yesteryear and his disrupting influence has upset some of the establishment. It is known and been discussed that Donald Trump, like many of his predecessors and I suppose millions of others, had extra-marital affairs where adultery was involved. How long ago was his last incident and to what extent is he pursuing such now? It would seem based on what little I know about it 12-15 years ago. It isn't like Bill Clinton's carrying on in the White House while he lived there. Ha...
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