The Law of the Harvest

Posted by Charlie Brown

Not every seed will germinate and not every plant will produce fruit or flower.

One of the great principles of this earth, if not of the universe that has always helped me to focus on choices is the "Law of the Harvest". The fact that one little seed holds within itself the prospect of endless other plants and seeds. Every plant can produce multiple additional seeds and each succeeding planting and harvest will expand its seed forever.  What happens when we apply this principle to the opportunity we as human beings have to create life?

Look at the scripture in John 12:24. "Truly, truly I say unto you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Other translations of the Bible say something slightly different in this verse. How does a seed die?  Don't they have a power locked up inside that can remain inert for an indefinite period and when put in the ground under the proper circumstances it grows into a plant that produces other plants. Think of the plants that live for thousands of years continually producing seeds.

There is also the parable of the sower which explains the importance of the ground a seed is planted in. It describes various conditions that I would say are likened to a persons heart as they have respond to hearing the Word of God. Mark 4:1-20 

What does this biblical saying mean? "God will not be mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  Are eternal principles at work that cannot be mocked or ignored without consequences?

What kind of a seed is the human spirit or more basic and elemental the human intelligence?  A seed will remain inert for an indefinite period of time under the right circumstances. What is the seed of the human soul?  If the seed of our eternal existence, our intelligence, is planted in the earth undergoing a mortal experience which includes agency (freedom to choose) and death, what will it bring forth as fruit or many seeds as it says? This is a question to think about and I have considered it in another essay.

What does it take to have a successful harvest though? Does one really "reap what they sow"? The principles of farming are no secret when applied correctly and yet seeds planted in the hope of a wonderful harvest often get blasted as tender plants by storms, freezing temperatures, bugs, and weeds.  The seed can never be planted and hoped to grow to a bountiful harvest without the time and attention to very strict science of water, nutrition, and cultivation.  Even so much depends on nature, as does our mortal life.

At times an entire crop can be destroyed if any random occurrence of nature prevails. Worldwide farming and shipping generally hedge against geographic famine and misfortune in our modern-day food supply.

Do decisions determine destiny in life's opportunities, or is this life nothing but a mystical fate determined by a random existence?  Is there an eternal law of the harvest or are some just lucky in a random way?  What do the patterns of life tell us? How does the exponential expansion of a single seed apply to us in the seasons of a growth cycle? Is our spirit, placed in a mortal body a seed planted in this fertile earth to encourage us to grow? What is our potential?

An observation has been made that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and that the second-best time is now. Many have some understanding of this principle yet fail to apply it to their thoughts, actions, and habits.  The idea is to not regret your shortcomings but to rejoice in the opportunities that open up when you realize the power you have to plant the seeds of your choosing even if a temporary setback has occurred.

Without a commitment to learning, or a decision to learn, very few other advantages in life will be offered.  Hard work is important and leads to many good things, but a young person seeking to magnify opportunity in life must first begin to start learning and never stop. Don't get sucked into mindless philosophies.  Learn to discern critically and eliminate the fallacies. The seeds of the weeds drift and settle. They grow as errant philosophies that lead to the destruction of the mind, body, and soul.

The subjective nature of success and the vast panorama of opportunities that life offers should be broad enough that every person can find a sense of fulfillment.  Happiness and joy are the results of congruent living.  Congruent with what is the question?

Life presents us with a virtually endless array of possibilities and outcomes.  Yes, some have to do with circumstance but most have to do with the knowledge that is presented to us or that we seek out once we understand that we can learn almost anything.

This mortal life is a seemingly small thing on a collective basis yet it is all-consuming on an individual basis.  We come and we go a few at a time every day and by the billions every 100 years or so. Because the process is so smooth we hardly pay attention to the turn over unless it is one of our own or someone close to us that dies or is born.

This mortal life and the fact that it takes place on a planet in an infinite cosmos would seem to indicate that it was set up as a learning experience.  To gain experience, to carry on and perpetuate this pattern of existence requires several things all of which seem quite obvious, yet so many would seem to debate them as if they were in fact debatable.

There is an obvious life force and the existence of beings capable of rational thought and intelligent action. Even atheists must admit this. 

There is a definite beginning to life as we know it and a definite end.  Thinking of the statement to "begin with the end in mind" would indicate that once we become aware of the fact that we are and can begin to see the guiding force of our decisions we can direct them to accomplish thoughts and ambitions that pass through our conscious mind.  

A fact of which we are certain is that there is a life force that exists in an infinite cosmos whereby planting and expanding is possible. Humans and every other facet are absolute proof, not just the evidence. On this planet, it is limited by our mortality.

We establish some purpose for either living and progressing or for survival and growth pursuant to our circumstances and any new information that comes to us as we move about our environment.

The process of time while not in our favor, still offers a distinct opportunity for self-improvement. Patterns appear in our lives based on the directives we allow our minds to dwell on, otherwise, we drift in a current of constant change with no apparent destination other than the end of life.

We can set a course for a day, a week, a month, a year and a life.   Much will change in every instance yet we will ultimately reach a destination either very close to what we desired or even on or beyond the mark of our goal.

The question of how we develop the simple things in life that grow into greatness over time is the miracle of life's opportunity.   Watch a baby learn to crawl, walk, run, talk and we see something of the pattern.  

Knowledge compounds if we will let it.  Most, however, succumb to drifting tendencies and let the challenges of life stop them in their development.

There is as much opposition as there is an opportunity because every opportunity is only possible because of the opposition that makes it so.  It is called life.  

A baby will only lay on its back if its muscles don't work. Many great minds have been locked in bodies that didn't function in their normal capacities.  We would also suppose that many great minds were locked in brains that for some reason didn't allow them to use it.  Likewise many have the potential and are locked by addiction and mediocre desire.

Much opposition in life, like weeds and storms, doesn't seem to have a reasonable explanation, yet without it, life would not be a real testing ground for our will and desires. If everything responded to us in an instant, life would be bland and inconsequential.

The point of life is that purpose can only be developed when something about the truths that govern before birth and after death is understood.

The plan of life is eternal, not temporary.  Our true self is our eternal self.  Congruency of our actions must reconcile to it for real lasting joy and happiness otherwise we will consistently live short of our potential.   The power of our spirit and the capacity that it holds are created of divine DNA if we think of being related to our creator.

Each person determines the areas of life that they would pursue success in be they family, business, sports, education or any other. The greatest success is found in the blending and balance that views life with an eternal perspective.

If life is a foretaste of the opportunity that exists eternally we should pursue that knowledge and the process of revelation that leads to it with greater zeal rather than remain ignorant of its existence. The two together blend as the perfect plan of personal development and it doesn't end at death. To this end, the scripture declares, "God will not be mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

God's plan of Salvation.


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