Abortion undermines the Foundation of Peace in the World

Pope Francis in November 2014 at the colloquium on marriage and the family opened with this statement:

“We now live in a culture of the temporary, in which more and more people are simply giving up on marriage as a public commitment. This revolution in manners and morals has often flown the flag of freedom, but in fact it has brought spiritual and material devastation to countless human beings, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. … It is always they who suffer the most in this crisis.”

In referring to those of the rising generation, he said it is important that they “do not give themselves over to the poisonous [mentality] of the temporary, but rather be revolutionaries with the courage to seek true and lasting love, going against the common pattern”;

The movements of sexual freedom have sought to establish the idea that it is not the governments business or anyone's for that matter what two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom. It is however the combined effects of what takes place in the combined bedrooms of the world that determines the peace that exists in any and all societies of a nation or the world.

When we hear a conversation, watch a movie or any other form of entertainment where relationships are discussed or portrayed, there is very little discernment between love and sex or lust and love. In the modern vernacular they are often used interchangeably. The factors in Hollywood are a driving force of lust in its movie making endeavors. Actors are portraying, faking intimacy to entertain gullible and naive people by the millions.

Many people like to think that the physical attraction that causes a relationship to form is some sort of magic. The science on which our sexual attraction is based is well understood by. The brain and body functions that work together to produce our sexual drive and the resulting emotional states are electrochemical reactions in our bodies.

When neurons in our brains wire in place intense emotional experience we establish a foundation for sexual response. The drive for sexual expression and participation is a normal part of who we are and what we become.  

While the drive to use our pro-creative powers is innate in the human experience, we have the capacity of reason that animals don't.  We can create boundaries, either personal or societal to bring about desired effects in our lives and culture.  We can control this desire if we choose to and yet we find such sayings as "love rules without rules".

The effects can be lasting or temporary but there are inevitable consequences when we engage in intimate relationships. Committed married couples experience something different than short term pleasure seekers. The bodies and minds of those that marry and are faithful are wired in elevated forms of the emotions that build commitment and trust.

Sexual experience creates neural pathways in our brain that establish emotions associated with our actions. These emotions are recorded in our bodies and brains when the chemicals, hormones and electrical pathways in our brain go through an experience. 

Many things can affect the experience.  Birth control hormones, other external birth control measures and fear of pregnancy can reduce the higher forms of sexual engagement. The emotional experience is lowered by such intrusions and distractions.  

Committed married couples that engage their creative capacities enjoy a peace and unity that others seeking short term pleasure don't.  They aren't afraid to receive a new life should one result from their experience.  

When those that aren't committed to the process of life find them selves with a pregnancy that they don't want they often  panic and that state of mind they seek to find a solution. Abortion activists have succeeded in promoting and legislating their philosophy as a solution to the careless actions of individuals.

It is the relationship of marriage that is ordained by God to authorize this high expression of love that also magnifies it.  It begins with preparation that brings trust and fidelity to the relationship.  Self control before marriage brings these benefits.

As I mentioned Hollywood, other mindless entertainers and even some so called psychological experts often use the term magic to describe the sexual experience.  Yet they may call it "chemistry" when two people hit it off.  Even so most people don't understand the science behind our drives and passions. If society does not promote restraint, then who does. 

Social marketers are happy to use the term magic and chemistry because it makes it seem more mysterious and exciting.  Do any in the modern age consider it miraculous that life results in the image of its creators? 

Activists promoting promoting so called sexual or reproductive rights deem it a governmental role to finance the means controlling it. Should people that demand and can't afford their own contraceptives even be having sex?

However unscientific our culture is towards sex and relationships, we have developed the attitude that life and the power to create it is not a miracle worth respecting. It can be an inconvenience to our enjoyment of the excitement of attraction and pleasure that can accompany the sexual experience.

There is nothing mysterious about sex to those that have experienced it. Once the process has been engaged a very powerful set of emotions become attached to it.  Aggressive people can come to demand it and become neurotic when their expectations are not met.  

All emotions are established and saved in the chemical environments of the brain and body. Together they form those electrochemical charges and synaptic connections that energize our bodies and store memories in our brains. 

The changes in our brain wiring structures can be changed by our desire and willingness to rewire negative emotions by the power of our thoughts.  Our genes and bodily functions that most of us are unaware and that function on a subconscious level about can be changed. They can affect us for the rest of our life. They become part of our identity. 

How much is spent trying to prolong the ability to engage in the sexual experience as our various bodily functions breakdown and decline? 

The modern culture has promoted many fallacies about getting pregnant and becoming parents.  It is seen by many, perhaps a larger percentage of society than ever before as an inconvenient process. Substantially more of the world's population it seems are unwilling or reluctant to have children.

Ideally people become parents on purpose. Some that are hesitant still find themselves becoming parents. The circumstances vary widely. Some unwilling have a child and it transforms them even filling them with love.  Others become abusive, regretful and angry.

As divorce occurs to millions not able to work through the financial disaster it creates, families suffer and kids get neglected, confused and abused.  Most that I have known or spoken to have experienced the anger and confusion caused when their parents divorce. 

In our recent politics, Trump takes a positive moral stand on abortion, yet he probably doesn't realize that abortion is only a symptom of society's attitudes, not the cause of those attitudes.  The topic of abortion is debated regularly and sometimes heatedly during election time. 

Clinton became the poster warrior for abortion and its vocal enthusiast for its promotion.  Of course they call it something totally different that what it is and lump it in with other contraceptive approaches 

The situation with abortion and using it as the back up birth control is that abortion, while it has been identified as a problem to debate, it is a symptom of the actual problem. 

What brings a couple to a point in their lives where if by careless chance their relationship brings about the existence of a new life inside the woman's body, and they decide the best outcome for their happiness is to end the life that has been conceived?  

The problem is that so many no longer see life and the ability to create it as a miracle. Many may see life as sacred and yet they may not recognize that life in and of itself is the result of something just as important. The power to create it.

The resulting attitudes have given birth not to live babies but to the idea that human life in its embryo form is simply an inconvenience and the power to create it as a self serving opportunity.

This attitude is the underlying cause of most of society's most challenging issues. Rather than face the real issue, government and social scientists offer band aids and counseling that preserve the problem. 

A generation of broken families gives way to generations of individuals not able to develop self reliance.  They don't know their fathers.  Unsuccessful attempts to then stabilize their lives by providing basic needs are are huge avenues of government support. Many of which are sufficient to provide wants that preserve instability and yet gainfully employed and self reliant individuals and families aren't able to achieve such of level of support.

Healthcare, welfare, education and most other areas of concern are affected. Children don't have the basic nurturing to learn effectively. They don't understand health or healthy relationships and often have no desire to learn.

Abortion on demand as an act of birth control challenges the emotions of most of its recipients in a negative manner.  The decisions that causes one to end the process life at any phase establishes basic emotional patterns set by the inner workings of their complex nervous system. 

These emotions are not of the elevated type. They are base and selfish. They become rooted in the sub conscience mind and body. The effort to return to elevated emotions of love and trust is not easy, but it can be done.


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