Freedom, Capitalism, Caring For The Poor

No nation that is based on the principles of socialism ever established itself or came into existence on that ideology.  Socialist governments have always been built on the wealth established by capitalism or the enslaving of people to build infrastructure and build wealth for the government officials.  

Socialism is the corruption of capitalism and free markets when citizens who think they are of a more elevated status gain control of governments for their own purposes.  The transition is from wealth of citizens created through the free market to government officials that usurp the same wealth from the citizens to grow government and create for themselves positions of wealth and power.

There is no freedom of the individual or inalienable rights from God as socialism is based on a godless ideology.  Those that rule do so for the sole purpose of maintaining order for the purpose of their ambitions and position at the top of the social structure.  There is no creation of wealth because wealth is confiscated through taxes or other methods even more severe and all citizens become laborers for the oligarchy.  With clever deception they promote the idea that all are better off with them as leaders.

In a free market every person has the opportunity to learn and progress as the natural consequence of effort expended or remain where they are for a lack thereof.  The free market rewards every person according to their work or contribution to society.   The free market lifts all people that participate with honest effort. The free market contrary to what the social engineers will say has a conscience and will care for the poor.  For the most part it is a God respecting society.

When the government transitions from protecting the freedom of people to participate in a free market and then takes control of that market by manipulating it through regulation and taxes in order to provide for those that don't participate it becomes corrupt in its purpose and existence.   This corruption is supported by the fallacy that the government is now acting in the best interest of those that have failed to achieve self reliance in the real world.  While failing to achieve economic value by not laboring, the government ends up putting a permanent label on the person that they have no value to society and then pays them not to produce.  


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