Infringement, Unalienable Rights and Individual Liberties

To begin this observation I would say that our current state of government in the United States of America is one that has all but left the constitution that founded it.   True it looks the same with three branches of government but they no longer act as a check on each other's powers and have continually usurped the power of the states that created it.   In fact some have called the vast administrative bureaucracy that manages the extensive reach of government a fourth  branch of government.  It is full of officials, none of which are elected, who can make rules that have the force and effect of law.

The people that have occupied federal public office either by election or by appointment have come to operate with complete disregard for the principles that established it and their obligation to check each other's actions according to it.  There are a few voices calling attention to the situation in congress however their effect is yet to have much persuasive force.  

Laws are now made and have been made for decades and even centuries without full review as to what the founding documents and their authors intended. By failing to follow the intent of the founders, the principles that established their original design have been and are being violated.

This government was one of the few if not the only such established on purpose after studying history and government and economics to a degree which had not been attempted by a new nation freed from tyranny through war and hardship.  

We have attempted to help others implement it but only with limited success as we have failed to preserve it the way it was intended.   The desire for freedom that existed in the early 1700's and before only appeared in limited times and places before that but never with full fruition of written protections for property, individual rights and controlling the government.

Identifying individual liberties and unalienable rights as being from God was the impetus for creating a constitution for the ages. That is to indicate that there are eternal principles at work.  There was no self serving interest other than to be free.  The idea was to create a document that established a government for the purpose of keeping it from making unnecessary laws and protecting the liberty of the people.  

The constitution is the supreme law of the land yet the politician's in their lust for power have found a way to all but ignore it when it comes to creating new laws and spending money it does not have.  Law makers now and in the past have acted as if they had authority to do what ever their whims could devise and no one challenged them sufficiently to stop it.  An oligarchy was born and has continued to flourish on a foundation of corruption and vice. Many of these changes occured though the ammendment process in 1913 with the 16 and 17th ammendments.

When unalienable rights are threatened or infringed upon then the law under consideration is probably unconstitutional especially from a federal level.  The bill of rights outlines some of the rights specifically but it was never intended to enumerate every single right that might exist.  To pick and choose from the document to justify creating new laws is to ignore the intent by which it was crafted.  The founding fathers very thoroughly debated and then recorded in their letters and writings the intent of their founding documents. To violate that spirit of freedom is to act against the constitution.

How is an infringement on one's rights to be determined?   If a person has property duly acquired then no one else has a right to it.  That is the basic understanding of unalienable. The founders clearly explained that natural law is the basis for law.  It comes from God and cannot be violated without consequence.

Government can have no right or power except that which the people grant to it and they cannot grant any power except they possess it.  If it acts outside of such principle then it is usurping power it was not intended to have if rights are to be protected.

The Ten Commandments are the most basic of guides that demonstrate actions that lead to or are actual infringements on rights.  They are based on eternal principles and given by God. They outline the laws of God for the good and betterment of human interaction.  

Mankind cannot violate the commandments without incurring the natural consequences and penalties that are attached to them.  Likewise there are attendant blessings when they are followed.  All who know them will be judged by them. 

Those in government will likewise be held accountable by the standard of freedom and truth whether it be a king, president, legislature or parliament.   When public officials by the power of their vote seize the property of citizens through taxes they act outside the of natural rights.   

The right to keep one's property and earnings should be held inviolate.   If the commandment teaches not to steal there should not be an exception.  Politicians have made them selves the exception and confiscate property by majority vote. It is known as legal plunder.


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