Truth is The Fundamental Existence of All Things
As we chart our course through life how do we keep in mind that truth is the fundamental existence of all things? We as individuals and collective humanity are a part of the truth. Our life becomes a living truth no matter how we act. It has been described in phrases such as "I am that I am" or "I think therefore I am". The fact is that we are actual beings and we are acting out our desires. The elemental unchanging facts of existence rolled into everything that is seen or unseen, temporary or eternal, this is our opportunity to search and learn what we can. In the process of learning the truth, we theorize, but a theory is not the truth. Just because we think does not make our thoughts harmonious with the supremacy of eternal truth. If we choose to become or remain an island in our own opinions, truth from outside sources will elude us. If and when we recognize that even though as individuals we seem to each be a micro-cog, we are in an eternal round of truth....