Freedom Today and the Constitution
The The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are what? Words on a paper shared with belief that they were good for a nation. Carefully chosen words. Words that express principles of a divine nature. A group of our forebears agreed that it would be the basis of our government. It was no small achievement. It would tell elected government what they could or couldn't do. Following it is a matter of integrity. It is a commitment to the principles in the Declaration of Independ ence and allowing individuals to be free. We have layers or branches in the government so that when one does not follow it the others might challenge them. If they don't challenge behavior that is contrary to the ideals and provisions it contains then it behooves "we the people to act", to come together and vote. These are the bullets of freedom today. While corruption has been setting in almost from the beginning, the constitution has proven to be better th...