
Showing posts from 2013

The Law of the Harvest-Freedom and Behavior

The Law of the Harvest-Freedom and Behavior When we make a good choice over a bad one or a better one over a good one, we elevate our character to a higher level.    Think of what the "Law of the Harvest" means if we think of our choices as seeds of our present and future.    We have been placed in an environment (this earth) where we are agents of behavior. We are each a seed of potential eternal increase.  God has planted us in the earth.   The law says that a seed will produce indefinitely as its seeds are harvested and replanted.  A seed does not produce another single seed when planted.  It produces a plant which in turn produces a field of plants itself.   We are constantly choosing between opposing behaviors which are successively better or worse. This freedom or agency as we might call it is comparable to the concept of an agent in sports.  A free agent is a player that does not have a contract.  H...

The Eternal Nature of Freedom

By Charles Brown As we consider the principle of freedom, how far back should we go? When did it begin to exist as a precept or principle? A study of world history will give various examples of the idea.   Would it not have root in eternity?  Is it grounded in the philosophies of man or eternal truth? For freedom to exist, at least three things must be present. Choices on a continuum of opposition (Good and Evil), Creation, a place for individuals to act, and Individuals capable of experiencing it. If none of these exist then freedom cannot. The fact is they all exist naturally. The real questions is whether or not they come from God. Does God exist as a natural being in eternity or is he something men have invented to fill gaps in the theories of natural creation or biblical interpretations? Read here for an explanation . A study of world history will tell you about the many societies that had wonderful moments of freedom and then lost it. The founders knew ...