How government programs limit individual progress
What is the potential of every human being? How do we know or find out? What determines how a person pursues their life's ambition? Freedom is the only answer I can think of. How can a person achieve anything unless they are free? How can they be free unless they have choices? What is the power that causes a free person to act. It is initiative. Initiative is the result of faith. It is the element of believing that achievement of some kind is possible. If the initiative of individuals in society is suppressed by force, regulation or taxation of any kind there is a negative effect on the productivity of that society. Suppression stifles faith, self worth and therefore initiative and personal responsibility. Think of the reasons that is slavery wrong? To have prejudgment or holding other people in a lower esteem than oneself. To keep another in bondage and suppress their choices in a society that offers equal opportunity for work ...